Managed Services
Managed Services
NER Finance | Application Form
NER Finance is a equipment finance specialist. Vendor finance, business finance, equipment finance.
equipment finance, vendor finance, equipment rental, finance
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Application Form
Equipment Finance Application OztechDrones
Equipment Finance Application
Customer : (Legal Name in Full)
Full Name of Entity eg. ABC Trading Company Pty Ltd or if Trust enter Trust details in the Trust Field.
If Trust involved
Please advise if Full Name of Entity is a Trust. If unsure please answer NO.
Name of Trustee
Name of Entity or Individual controlling the Trust (Eg. ABC Pty Ltd ATF for the ABC Family Trust ) ABC Pty Ltd is the Trustee.
Name of Trust
Enter the full name of Trust. ( ABC Pty Ltd ATF The ABC Family Trust) The ABC Family Trust is the name of the trust
ABN of Borrowing Entity,
Entity Address
Contact Name
Email Address
Director/Owner : Full Name
Director Full Name as appears on Drivers Licence
Residential Address
Do you own property
Do you Own any Property
Drivers Licence Number
Enter Drivers Licence Number
Date of Birth
Enter Date of Birth (format : dd/mm/yyyy)
Drivers Licence Expiry Date
Enter Expiry Date (Format : dd/mm/yyyy)
Upload Drivers Licence (Both sides)
Drop files here or
Upload Drivers Licence (Both sides)
Received Quote from Supplier or Tax Invoice
Please select if you have received a finance quote from Supplier and upload quote or Enter details of Term and Payments per month.
Upload Supplier Quote or Tax Invoice
If you received a quote or Tax Invoice from supplier, please upload.
Finance Amount (inc GST) - Minimum $2,200 Inc GST
Please enter the Finance Amount (Inc GST)
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
Please select finance term ranging from 24 months to 60 months. ($2,200 - $5,499 inc GST)
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
Please select finance term ranging from 24 months to 60 months. ($5,500 - $10,999 inc GST)
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
Please select finance term ranging from 24 months to 60 months. ($11,000 - $21,999 inc GST)
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
Please select finance term ranging from 24 months to 60 months. ($22,000 - $38,499 inc GST)
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
Please select finance term ranging from 24 months to 60 months. ($38,500 - $65,999 inc GST)
24 Months
36 Months
48 Months
60 Months
Please select finance term ranging from 24 months to 60 months. ($66,000 - $99,999 inc GST)
Payments per Month (Inc GST)
Payments per month
Payments per Month (Inc GST)
Payments per month
Payments per Month (Inc GST)
Payments per month
Payments per Month (Inc GST)
Payments per month
Payments per Month (Inc GST)
Payments per month
Payments per Month (Inc GST)
Payments per month
Privacy consent and acknowledgement To NER Finance ABN 73 088 508 810 and any principal on whose behalf you may act as agent (“You”). For the purposes of this Privacy consent and acknowledgement form (“Form”) “I” means the individual(s) who is/are the applicant (s), directors, beneficial owner or guarantors who sign this Form. Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and all related rules and regulations (the “Privacy Act”) I acknowledge that You may collect, hold, use and disclose personal information about me (including information required to comply with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006, rules and other subordinate instruments, and the Personal Property Securities Act 2009) to enable You to: assess my commercial credit worthiness; process my application; provide, administer and manage the products and services provided to me; audit and evaluate those products and services; notify a credit reporting body or other credit providers of my payment history or any default by me; model and test data; communicate with me; improve and develop products and services; conduct credit scoring, securitisation, research, risk management and portfolio analysis; provide and administer any related rewards program and deal with any complaints or enquiries. I acknowledge that if I fail to provide complete information or information that is inaccurate, You may not be able to process or accept the application and transactions may be delayed, blocked or refused. Authority for You to obtain certain credit information: I authorise You, Your agents and third parties who referred me to You to seek, obtain and use, credit reporting information about me (including from credit reporting bodies (“CRBs”)) to: assess an application by me for commercial credit; manage my credit and related funding arrangements; assess an application by me to be a guarantor in relation to credit; review my credit on a periodic basis as though assessing a new application; collect overdue payments; and create assessments and ratings of my credit worthiness. Authority to exchange Information with credit reporting bodies: I authorise You and Your agents to obtain credit reporting information about me from a CRB or other business that provides information about credit worthiness. I allow such an entity to create or maintain credit information about me (before, during or after the provision of credit to me). The information may include: permitted identification particulars; the fact that I have applied for credit and the amount and type of credit; the fact that You are a credit provider to me; credit limit; loan start/end dates; repayment history; ‘default information’ (in addition to and without limiting repayment history information), i.e. payments overdue for more than 60 days in specified circumstances; in relation to those overdue payments, advice about new payment arrangements or that those payments are no longer overdue; in specified circumstances that in Your opinion there has been a serious credit infringement (e.g. fraud); and other credit worthiness information that can be disclosed under the Privacy Act. I also acknowledge and agree that, for the purpose of verifying your identity in accordance with obligations under the AML/CTF Act, you may also provide my name, residential address and date of birth to a CRB and request the CRB to provide an assessment of whether that information matches (in whole or in part) personal information held by the CRB and the CRB may then prepare and provide such an assessment to you and in doing that, will use your information and corresponding personal information held by the CRB in respect of other individuals for the purposes of preparing that assessment. Authority to exchange information with other credit providers: I authorise You to give to and obtain from Your agents (as defined in the Privacy Act) and any credit providers information about my credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity, including credit eligibility, including credit eligibility information, and to give and receive a banker’s opinion for purposes connected with my creditworthiness, business, trade or profession. The information may be exchanged for, but not limited to, any of the following purposes: to assess an application by me for credit or to be a guarantor, to determine or confirm the status of my credit including any defaults; to assess my creditworthiness at any time during or after the life of a credit arrangement; to give or obtain an opinion on me; and any other purpose permitted by law. Authority to exchange information with other third parties: You may exchange my personal information with other related companies, Your third party providers that enable You to provide Your services and/or third party entities that assist You in verifying my identity, any suppliers or dealers of items the subject of my application; persons with whom You have white label arrangements (e.g. to sell products under another brand); introducers, referrers and any other person associated with the lodgement of this application; funders and related service providers that assist in the processing of my application and the management of my credit; as well as with service providers including those relating to any associate rewards program and the types of service providers described in Your Privacy Policy. Other authorised disclosures include to my referees, my past and present employers, my past and present landlords, my next of kin, any person acting on my behalf, (e.g. financial adviser, solicitor, broker, accountant, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian), rating agencies, insurers, entity concerned with the supply or manufacture of assets to me/applicant, valuers and debt PRIVACY CONSENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | Page 1 of 4 Privacy consent and acknowledgement To NER Finance ABN 73 088 508 810 and any principal on whose behalf you may act as agent (“You”). For the purposes of this Privacy consent and acknowledgement form (“Form”) “I” means the individual(s) who is/are the applicant (s), directors, beneficial owner or guarantors who sign this Form. Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and all related rules and regulations (the “Privacy Act”) 2023JUNEV1 collection agencies. You may also disclose personal information to regulatory authorities (e.g. tax authorities in Australia and overseas) in connection with their lawful information requests or to meet legal obligations in any relevant jurisdiction. If You cannot verify my identity using information held by a credit reporting body You will advise me and give me the opportunity of contacting the credit reporting body to update my credit file. Authority to exchange sensitive information: In some cases, sensitive information may be collected for specific purposes (for example, information regarding my health to enable the assessment of a hardship relief application). The references in this Form to personal information include sensitive information such as my medical and health related details, and I agree that You may exchange such information with other parties listed in this Form for the purpose of assessing or processing such applications and may seek further information from any medical attendant consulted by me. Authority to give information to guarantors: I authorise You to give to any person who guarantees or indemnifies, or is to guarantee or indemnify, my obligations (“Guarantor”) information about my credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity, including credit eligibility information, for the purpose of determining if that person wishes to act as a Guarantor and keeping the Guarantor informed of the guarantee or indemnity, and for any purposes related to the proposed or actual enforcement of the guarantee or indemnity. Privacy Policy: I acknowledge that You have a Privacy Policy which is available at www.nerfinance.com.au/privacy-policy which contains information about how You use, collect, store and disclose personal information including what CRBs You utilise, how You use CRBs and how I can access credit reporting bodies credit information. I acknowledge that I can request that CRBs not use or disclose information they hold about me. By signing this consent I acknowledge the terms of Your Privacy Policy and how You hold, collect, disclose and use my personal information obtained by You or CRBs in order to provide your services to me. Authority to obtain information about guarantors: (This section addresses additional matters relevant if I am a Guarantor) I authorise and consent to You or Your agents collecting personal information about me and obtaining both my personal and commercial credit reports from a CRB, to assess my capacity as a guarantor. If I am accepted as a guarantor You may disclose my personal information to external agents, professional advisers and service providers, for the purpose of managing the account and contacting me in relation to the guarantee or indemnity provided. I also authorise You and Your agents to provide to the person/s in respect of whom I am Guarantor personal information about my credit worthiness, credit standing, credit history or credit capacity for any purposes related to the product or any proposed or actual enforcement of the product, guarantee or indemnity. I acknowledge and agree that if You provide the product, this authority remains in force until the credit under the product is fully and finally settled and discharged. Authority to use information for administration processes: I authorise You to use any information collected in this application and in subsequent administration processes for future applications I may wish to make for other products and/or services and related services, and to disclose this information to Your related bodies corporate for similar use. Information collected for this purpose will only be used to the extent permitted at law. Authority to provide information for funding purposes: I authorise You to disclose any personal information about me to another person (including without limitation, any trustee, servicer, credit enhancer, funder, ratings agency) in connection with any funding of our business or any transactions including by means of an arrangement involving securitisation. General privacy matters: I acknowledge that You collect personal information through interactions with me and my agent(s) (including telephone, email or online), as well as from public sources and third parties including information brokers and service providers. Without this information, You may not be able to process my application or provide me with an appropriate level of service. I consent and agree that: (a) You may give me notices or documents by electronic communication, including by sending the notice or document to the email address provided with my application or the last email address I have otherwise notified; (b) if a notice or document is so given, it will be taken to be given at the time when the notice or document has entered my information system; (c) where a notice or document requires acceptance of the information contained therein, such an intention can be met electronically with the utilisation of an electronic signature; (d) paper notices and documents may no longer be given to me; (e) electronic communications should be regularly checked for notices and documents; and (f) my consent to the giving of notices and documents by electronic communication may be withdrawn by me at any time. I acknowledge that where I have provided You with personal information about someone else that I have obtained their consent to provide their personal information based on this Form. I acknowledge that the third parties with whom You exchange personal information whilst conducting ordinary business activities, may operate outside of Australia (this includes the United States; United Kingdom; Philippines; Malaysia; India and other countries specified in the available Privacy Policy). I understand and agree that while the third parties may be subject to confidentiality or privacy obligations, in relation to personal information that is not ‘credit PRIVACY CONSENT AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT | Page 2 of 4 2023JUNEV1 eligibility information’ (certain personal information from (or based on information from) credit reporting bodies) they may not always follow the particular requirements of Australian privacy laws. You, your related companies and any third parties Involved in the Introduction or referral of this application (including any dealers or suppliers of items the subject of my application) or with whom You have white label arrangements may exchange and use my personal information to contact me on an ongoing basis by telephone, electronic communications (like email), online and other means to offer products or services that may be of interest to me, including offers of banking, financial, advisory, investment, insurance and funds management services, and assets suited to leasing or finance (including vehicles, medical equipment, computers, office equipment, machinery and manufacturing equipment). By ticking this box I/We do not consent to You using and disclosing my/our personal information for the purpose described in the paragraph above. In accordance with the Privacy Act, requests for access to and correction of personal information can be made using the contact details below: Addressee: Privacy Officer Postal Address: PO BOX 3285 Newstead QLD 4002 Phone: 1300 786 336 By requesting a copy of our Privacy Policy, further information can be obtained regarding the handling of personal information, access or correction of personal information, how privacy concerns are dealt with, website privacy, the credit reporting bodies used and how to obtain free copies of your credit reporting information from those bodies. A Privacy Policy can be found online via www.nerfinance.com.au/privacy-policy Declaration 1. I/We declare that the information given is true and correct. 2. I/We have read and understood the Form and provide my/our consent to its terms and agree to the conditions set out in this Form. 3. I/We authorise you to make any enquiries it considers necessary to verify the above information. 4. I/We acknowledge that you will be relying upon this Form in entering any Document or Transaction. 5. I/We consent to the signatures on this Form and any signatures in connection with the signing, sending, receipt and administration of the Documents and the Transactions being given through use of the document signing platform, DocuSign. 6. I/We consent to this Form, any Documents and Transactions and any related communications, including communication of an offer or acceptance of an agreement, being given to me/us by way of electronic communications, including by use of the DocuSign system. 7. If this Form is signed by a person (including by a person on behalf of, or as an officer of, a person) by use of an electronic signature (including by signing on an electronic device or by digital signature, whether directly on the electronic document or by a platform for hosting electronic copies of documents such as DocuSign), then the person unconditionally agrees that the electronic signature on this Form has the same force and effect as any handwritten signature would have on a paper copy of the Form. Acknowledgement and Consent By signing this Form, I acknowledge that I consent to the collection, use and disclosure of my personal information and credit‑related information as set out in this Form as it pertains to: 1. providing you with personal information; 2. providing you with ongoing consent to access, download and store personal information; 3. disclosure of my personal information in accordance with your Privacy Policy and this Form; and 4. providing you and any required third party, including the document issuer or official record holder via third party systems, with my personal information for the purposes of verification of my identity. All individuals who are applicant(s), directors, primary contact, authorised account users, beneficial owners, or guarantors to sign and date below: NER Finance Consent NER Finance consents to the signatures on this Form and any signatures in connection with the signing, sending, receipt and administration of the finance or rental contract and all related agreements and documents (including without limitation, the signing and sending of notices, certificates, agreements, and documents) (“Documents”) and any and all transactions contemplated thereby (“Transactions”) being given through use of the document signing platform, DocuSign. NER Finance consents to this Form, any Documents and Transactions and any related communications, including communication of an offer or acceptance of an agreement, being given to it by way of electronic communications, including by use of the DocuSign system.
By Clicking Submit, I have read and agreed to the NER Finance Privacy Consent/Acknowledgments
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